Biosphere integrity or ecological integrity
The ability of an ecosystem to support and maintain ecological processes and a diverse community of organisms.
The ability of an ecosystem to support and maintain ecological processes and a diverse community of organisms.
An ecosystem is a dynamic system where plants, animals, microorganisms, and their environment interact. The IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology 2.0 categorizes different types of ecosystems.
Learn moreEcological restoration refers to deliberate actions taken to speed up the recovery of a damaged ecosystem and bring it back to its original healthy state.
Learn moreEcosystem services refer to the benefits that ecosystems provide to humans. These benefits can be categorized into supporting, regulating, provisioning, and cultural services. The Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services (CICES) classifies different types of ecosystem services.
Learn moreEcosystem asset refers to the size of a specific ecosystem type, which includes both living and non-living components and their interactions within a contiguous space.
Learn moreHabitat refers to the natural location or environment where an organism or population is found. It can also refer to the specific conditions needed by a species or its ecological niche.
Learn moreHanki Coolsetin uusimmat pÀivitykset tulevista sÀÀnnöksistÀ, tapaustutkimuksista ja tuoteominaisuuksista. Kuratoi ilmastoasiantuntijatiimimme.